Sunday, November 15, 2009

Press on towards the goal

Once, a king who had no issues, was searching for a bold and courageous youth to succeed him. He announced a competition and a person who would win in the competition, would be crowned as the next king. Many young men came to participate in the competition. The old king brought a bucket full of water and the competitor should reach the destination without spilling a single drop. If he spills a single drop, both his hands would be cut off. On hearing this, many people backslided and one brave youth came forward and got the bucket. On his either side two soldiers walked with him with a sword in their hands. He took a step and walked step by step carefully. Huge crowd gathered. On his right side , people encouraged him and wished him to come out successfully. But on his left side some mischievous youth discouraged him, saying that his head would be cut off soon. Without paying heed to anything, he pressed on towards his goal and won the race and was crowned by the king. Then the old king gave him, his sword and told him to cut off those who discouraged him and wish those who encouraged him. But the youth said that he listened to nothing and his whole thought was on water and reaching the destination. In our Christian life journey, our only goal should be getting into Heaven. Let us press toward the mark that is we pursue the whiteline ( Heaven ) in the stadium, upon which all the runners must keep their eyes fixed. Let nothing divert us from reaching that goal.
” Dear Lord, in all my endeavour, let me focus on the goal of Christian life and attain the high calling of God in Christ. In Jesus’Name I pray “.–Amen.

Thanks:percykids weblog

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